Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Birthday Spread

So since I finally had my final birthday celebration on Sunday (gawd, it was only a week and a half ago!), I'm going to show you what I got.

I hate that my birthday is so insignificant to anyone outside my immediate family since it's so close to Christmas. I get ripped off every year and it never gets any less depressing. From those closest to me, however, I got more money and gift cards, and a small handful of things:

From my grandpeople:
bareMinerals Get Started Kit

My grandma wanted this for herself, so they got me one too. I will definitely be trying it out.
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Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 - Windows

I wanted it SO bad... And yet... I'm so lazy. I'll get around to learning how to use this eventually.
Original image: Best Buy

From my mum:
Apple iPod classic 120 GB Black

I filled my 30GB iPod recently. Yes, FILLED it, and before anyone asks me the same question that everyone else has, NO, I was not willing to delete some to add more. I'm a bit fanatical about music so I decided it was time to replace it with a bigger one. What cracks me up is that this 120GB iPod cost the same as my 30GB iPod from back in the day.
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From my darling boyfriend:
Pure Digital - Flip Video Mino Camcorder - Black

This was something I considered putting on my Christmas list, but didn't because I asked for so many other things, but my boyfriend wanted to go overboard and got me one anyway.
Original image: Best Buy

The Original Gorillapod

The tripod, not the camera, obviously. It's too fun to play with.
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Car Charger for Sidekick LX

Because my boyfriend hates how my phone is always dying when I'm on my way home late at night.
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Plus a Zara giftcard and a ridiculous Garfield sweater from H&M. It's a lot, but I spoiled him rotten for Christmas and he wanted to get even with me (even though he really didn't have to!!).

And me for myself?
ACUVUE Advance for Astigmatism Contact Lenses

Not really a birthday gift, but I'm so excited, I just ordered new cotacts. 1800contacts is my savior! I've been out since October or something. Eesh!
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Oh oh oh! And last night, my friend Andrea and I wreaked havoc on Target, got ice cream instead of making cupcakes, and then made appletinis and watched the season 8 premiere of Scrubs.

My favorite cereal, giant-sized!! I'm practically exploding with glee in this photo. And that's one of my sweet winter coats. This particular one was an eBay purchase from Hong Kong. The sunglasses were obviously borrowed from the racks behind me.

Appletinis (vodka + some mix we found + pretty drink umbrellas)!!!!! Sorry, cell phone pics.


Anonymous said...

i must agree with you about the cupcakes! im a big sweets fan myself.

but i came upon ur blog & decided to follow it!
: )

happy late birthday!


Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday - what a great haul!

yiqin; said...

Happy belated!!! :) I know what you mean. My cousin birthday is before xmas! & she always rants how people just combines the presrnts :/

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Love the jacket. You had quite the haul!

yotababy said...

December birthdays suck, don't they?!? I'm trying to get into the habit of celebrating my half birthday in June instead. Looks like you got some great prezzies though! :)

Nil said...

Great gifts!! And I also loved your coat you look so sweet :)
Thanks for your comment on my blog btw. I love your style too :)

Natalie said...

happy birthday! you cleaned up nicely in the gift department! i covet the ipod, especially!

Merily said...

Happy Birthday! i love the shot with cereal! :D

S* said...

gorgeous presenttttssssss!!!!!
lucky lucky girl!

Hannah said...

Happy belated birthday! You got awesome stuff.

Em said...

that coat is amazing. My new obsession lately has been hounds tooth! Great blog. Can i add you to my list?

lizbeth said...

pretty britt - You can never go wrong with cupcakes! I'm glad you visited and I'm glad you liked it!! Thank you!!

Trisch - Thank you!!

yiqin; - What sucks most is how everyone is all burnt out and just doesn't care by the time the 27th of December rolls around. Sometimes I get peoples' gifts that they got two days before and just didn't need or want... And you can totally tell, because the things I get sometimes are SO not me. It bums me out, I'd rather just get nothing.

The Clothes Horse - Thank you!! It's pretty great... I'm a go big or go home kind of girl. But not too big, or else my family would all tell me to take a hike (i.e. my big, big fashion dreams... sigh.)

yotababy - Do they ever. I mentioned about all the shitty re-gifts I get. I can never get away with celebrating my half birthday. People don't take it seriously :(

Nil - Thank you!! I'm rather fond of my coat, actually. I should take a nice picture of it soon.

Natalie - Thank you!! I have my old iPod still, but it looks like someone took sandpaper to its screen.

Merily - Thank you, dear! Cereal is one of my favorite things. All of it.

C.B. - Thank you!!!

Hannah Cheeto - Thanks! I had a small but substantial list this year ;)

Emily Anne - Thank you! I love houndstooth as well, and I'm happy to be seeing it all over this year (last year it wasn't as popular!). I'm glad you like my blog, and you can absolutely add me to your list. Thanks for stopping by!!

Jaime Jun said...

aww happy belated birthday sweetie! hope the year is filled with lots of love :) and you look so cute and pretty here!