Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Live Without Warning

Yesterday after my post, I went for lunch with my boyfriend, did a little thrifting, and spent the evening with my friends Nicole, Meagan and Justine. We made rainbow cake according to this blog's instructions and went to Friendly's and so on. Today I worked (for once...) and now I'm off to the movies to see Milk with the boyfriend.

It's a shame you can barely make out the detail and bow on my blouse.

I kind of look like an ass. Don't ask what my hair is up to, I don't know either.


I'm a space cadet.

Shirt: Bitten by Sarah Jessica Parker
Long sleeve thermal: Kohl's
Jacket: Deb
Belt: H&M
Skirt: Forever 21
Tights: Forever 21
Boots: Anne Michelle
Bag: Curve


Toni said...

i love the skirt. and then you put the jacket on and i love the whole outfit! so cute! and i'm so jealous of your blouse!

and thanks for telling me about boston. i'm thinking of going there later this year when i'm done with school. let's hope i don't get lost! hee hee.


ren said...

Lovely skirt!
And the bag is an adorable touch.

it's Fashion Fever said...

what a splendid outfit :)
Love ur blog

Em said...

i looove the boots, and the look of the outfit with the jacket on and the bow sticking out. xx


Anonymous said...

The bag is super cute!

lizbeth said...

toni - Thanks!! If you do come to town, don't forget to come say hi!!

KEREN - Thanks!! For the longest time, that bag was the bag I used to run out of my dorm for late night snack excursions and whatnot, haha. It's a bit small for my everyday needs, though.

it's Fashion Fever - Thank you! And thanks for visiting!!

Emily Anne - Thank you! I wasn't sure of it at first, but I think the jacket really does a lot for this outfit :)

La Mode is Rad! - Thank you!

kaitlyn said...

CUTE boots. great skirt, too.

lizbeth said...

kait.lyn - Thanks!! I loooove my boots.