Friday, December 12, 2008

My Favorite Fall Outfit

I was going through the pictures on my old, broken camera's memory card today and I stumbled across a couple photos of one of my favorite things that I wore back in October. Have a look!!

I got these vintage frames for a dollar on eBay.

Dress: From Hong Kong, via eBay
Belt: It's a piece of ribbon.
Tights: Forever 21
Ankle boots: Report


Sam said...

Hé! I think I saw this outfit on stylemob! Or was it somewhere else? I do know that I really fell in love with the dress and that I still am

Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the frames!

MizzJ said...

What a cute dress!

Toni said...

that dress is so pretty. i love white dresses!

lizbeth said...

Sam - Yes, yes it was. I think I'm done posting there now. It's not very interesting to me any more.

Emily - Thanks!! I HAD to have a pair :)

MizzJ - Thank you!!

Toni - Thanks! Normally I hate white, but I made an exception for this because I love it.